7 Easy Ways to Rejuvenate Your Home


If you are feeling stuck in your life, moving things around in the home is a powerful way to get your life flowing again.
Feng Shui teaches that our living space is intimately connected to our lives and that by changing the physical spaces we inhabit, our lives shift as well. Whether your subscribe to Feng Shui or not, I think everyone can relate to how wonderful it feels to clean up, get organized and fix up her home. Often just rearranging a piece of furniture or adding a few things can make a huge difference in the way we feel. I had one friend who laughingly said “when I clean my house I just want to stay home and revel in how wonderful it feels to be home.”
Here are 7 things you can do with little or no money- to shake up things in your life….in a good way…. and make you love being in your home again!
1. First, clutter clear and clean the room you are starting with: I know we all talk about this, but it still is the most powerful way to get the energy moving in your life and make room for new possibilities!
2. Change up the accessories: TJ Maxx Goods, Ross and Marshalls are wonderful resources for very inexpensive pillows, art, throws and other accessories. Change out the pillows to reflect the seasons and add a new throw with complimentary accents. Add new candles, frame your nature photos or art work for new inspiring pieces to look at, add a silk-flower arrangement or rearrange an existing one. Better yet, add live flowers and plants. Each new addition will add a fresh new look and energize the space.
3. Rehang and rearrange art and pictures:  Group artwork in relationship to furniture and other objects according to things such as  similar frames, subject matter or themes, texture, pattern and complementary color. You will be creating an interesting focal point, and every object that was solo before will come more alive as a part of an interesting group. Hang your pictures at the right height… most people hang pictures too high. A good average is to have the top of a large picture at about five and a half feet.
4. Oil, polish and clean up furniture: Get a good furniture polish or wood oil and clean and polish all wood furniture. Wash and  clean up the rest.  If a piece is scratched or the finish is bad, find a scarf, mat or runner from your treasure trove and cover it up, arranging the decorative items on top. (I use Old English Scratch Cover for Dark Woods for fixing up really scuffed pieces.)
5. Arrange the key pieces of furniture that you spend the most time on (i.e. sofa or bed) in the empowered position: This is where you  can see the entrance of a room but are not in direct alignment with any door. It will never feel comfortable to sit or sleep in front of a doorway for any length of time. As creatures of comfort, we want to feel protected yet still be able to see what is going on. Feeling empowered will make a big difference in how you feel in your living space. For more on this see my article: Feng Shui for Living Rooms.
6. Change the paint color: This may cost a little more but is one of the most powerful ways to change the energy in a space. See Color and  How it Affects Your Mood with the wonderful Jeanette Chasworth -Color Whisperer.
7. Add one or two new pieces: If you have a little money to spare, invest in that one piece that you really love. Whether it is a piece of furniture, a piece of art or a beautiful vase. Surrounding ourselves with things that inspire us lifts our personal energy level or chi. I am not promoting consumerism here, as we all most likely buy way too much of what we don’t need. What I am promoting is having fewerthings, all of which we truly love. So weed out the mediocre and replace them with one thing that really makes your heart sing.
Erica Sofrina is an Internationally recognized Feng Shui speaker and teacher and the founder of the West Coast Academy of Feng Shui. She is the author of the book Small Changes, Dynamic Results! Feng Shui for the Western World.

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