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Geo means Earth and Patho means suffering. It means suffering from the earth which causes stress in the form of illness. Geopathic means related to the Earth. Geopathic Stress is the Earths vibrations which rise up through the Earth and are distorted by weak electromagnetic fields created by subterranean running water, certain mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities. The vibration distorted becomes abnormally high and harmful to living organisms. Geopathic Stress is the term used for natural or man-made energies emanating from the earth and which are detrimental to human health. Geopathic energies do not recognize boundaries, as they can pass through walls, windows and closed doors. The effects of GS weakens a person's life force, thus causing low immunity and ill health. The reasons for GS are disturbances caused by underground water (either flowing or stagnant), but also natural calamities like earth quakes, geological structures such as ore deposits and man-made structures such as mining or large buildings, foundations, sewage and water pipes, underground transport systems. These things create harmful radiations and generate heat which affects the person's health who sleeps on GS. The electro-magnetic pollution in the form of overhead or underground cables, phone masts and electricity generating stations or sub-stations also has a harmful impact on human body and mind. The inner earth vibrations are 8Hz (Lamda) as it rotates. But the vibrations of the place where the GS locates has much higher frequencies. If the inner earth's vibration of 8Hz (Lamda) crosses a water vein 80 - 160 meters underground, stress lines are created which vibrate up to 250Hz. Such frequency anomalies are said to cause disturbances in the immune system, behavioral pattern and cell structure of a person similar to the effects of EMFs. Many times the reason for sickness is not found as per Vastu or Feng Shui. That time the reason lies in Geopathic Stress. When a house or a building is having Geopathic Stress, it gives sickness to the occupant. This stress is diagnosed with the help of Lecher Antenna. Sleeping on GS is very stressful, as a large area of your body is exposed to the GS. Most of us sleep during the night, when the GS is stronger. During sleep your brain is supposed to rest half the time and is busy healing your body the other half. However, if you are sleeping on GS, during sleep your brain has to spend all of it's time working due to the strain of GS and you wake up tired. During sleep your brain is occupied in creating your new cells, giving the right signals for your body to operate properly and absorb the correct level of vitamins and minerals together with adjusting hormone balance. GS will interfere with this process and leave your immune system weak. It directly does not give you any disease but weakens your immunity. All these body functions will usually become normal very quickly after GS has cleared out of your system. The impact of sleeping on GS is low immunity which manifests in diseases.

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